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Standard College is a student-centered institution that provides high quality and dynamic nursing education to its students in preparation for licensure as professional/vocational nurses and entry into the field of nursing, as well as provide them with the foundation needed to further their long-term educational and professional goals. Our core mission is to support and inspire our students to achieve excellence in nursing by being innovative, exhibiting a spirit of inquiry, and seeking continuous quality/performance improvement. We aim to inculcate professionalism, caring, and the pursuit of knowledge as a lifelong enterprise, in a culturally diverse and supportive learning environment.


Standard College aspires to be a premier institution providing high-quality nursing education that efficiently and effectively meets the needs of the students and the regional community in a culturally diverse and ever-changing health care arena.


In providing a high quality and dynamic nursing education, the nursing programs at Standard College espouse the belief that nursing is both an art and a science that plays an essential, interactive role influencing health and wellbeing of individuals, groups, and communities. In enacting evidence-based nursing Standard College utilizes a unique, systematic, and iterative problem-solving framework known as the nursing process in obtaining, interpreting, synthesizing, and applying information at various levels to influence the health and wellbeing of individuals, groups, and communities. Standard College of Nursing utilizes the nursing process as the framework within which the various courses are delivered.

Assessment Phase: The assessment phase of the nursing process consists in the systematic and comprehensive gathering and clustering of data, which provide the logical basis for subsequent phases in the nursing process (O’Brien, 2011). All succeeding phases rely on the accuracy and completeness of the information generated in this phase.

Diagnosis Phase: Once data has been collected, it is analyzed and problems that relate to the subject of interest, be it an individual, group or community, are identified. To maintain professional and disciplinary independence and integrity, nursing utilizes the nursing diagnosis, a unique method of describing identified problems and reflecting an individual’s, a population’s, or community’s response to actual or potential health problems.

Planning Phase: The nursing problems identified in the diagnostic phase are often multifactorial and may require setting up priorities in their management and resolution. Setting of priorities and co-constructing specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-oriented goals is the purpose of the planning phase of the nursing process.

Implementation Phase: This is the action phase in the nursing process. Nursing actions are designed to influence, and impact healthcare enacted during this phase. The actions may be entirely within nursing, or nursing may collaborate with other professionals in designing interventions that will influence and impact health.

Evaluation Phase: This phase consists of determining whether intended goals were met provided in the intervention phase. If outcomes were met, those goals are identified as such, and the cycle begins again with a new assessment phase to identify other problems so that nursing actions can again be applied to them. If the outcomes were not met, the process is repeated with the goal of re-evaluating the data, diagnosis, goals, interventions, and outcomes.

In providing nursing education to its students, Standard College communicates that the nursing process is unique to nursing and provides a logical framework within which to practice nursing. As a result, the nursing process is a thread that runs through all nursing courses offered at Standard College.

We believe that:
1. The nurse is an important part of the healthcare and nursing team.
2. Qualified individuals should be given the opportunity to pursue an education in nursing.
3. The nurse should be educated in an organized and cohesive educational program based on sound nursing theories.
4. The nursing education curriculum shall be planned to include a logical sequence and continuity in the learning process for adult learners.
5. The nursing education curriculum shall include classroom, laboratory and supervised clinical experiences provided in accordance with regulations governing the nursing profession.
6. An advisory committee is essential for involvement in guiding and directing the implementation and evaluation of our nursing program.
7. Community resources should be integrally involved in the implementation of the nursing programs.
8. The student will possess the competencies required for licensure as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, to provide safe, effective nursing care to individuals, families, or populations.