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Students must achieve an over-all grade of 79.50% or better on each course and must have a minimum of 90% attendance to pass the course. Grades are rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, 79.50% will be rounded up to 80% and 79.49% will rounded down to 79%.

Grade Interpretation Numerical Grade Grade Point Average
A+ Excellent 96.50% to 100% 4.00
A Excellent 93.50% to 96.49% 4.00
A- Excellent 89.50% to 93.49% 3.75
B+ Good 86.50% to 89.49% 3.25
B Good 83.50% to 86.49% 3.00
B- Average 79.50% to 83.49% 2.75
C Unsatisfactory** 69.50% to 79.49% 2.00
D Unsatisfactory** 59.50% to 69.49% 1.00
F Failing less than 59.49% 0.00
P Pass Clinical Practicum Not Computed
F Fail Clinical Practicum Not Computed

**Unsatisfactory means the student did not receive a passing grade to progress to the next course.


Any student incurring incomplete grade for any course after the last day of the course shall receive an “F” for that course. (See policy for failing a course)

CLINICAL GRADES - Practical Nursing Program

All nursing courses have a clinical component that will be graded as follows:

  1. The clinical component is an independent co-requisite with the lecture component and will be graded with a “P” for Pass, showing satisfactory to provide the skill, or “F” for Fail, showing a lack of satisfactory to provide the skill.
  2. The student must receive a “Pass” on all required lab or clinical skills.
  3. If a student receives a Fail in the clinical component, the grade will be recorded as an “F” and the student will be required to repeat the clinical course.
  4. The student will be given their final grade at the end of each clinical course.

CLINICAL GRADES - LPN to RN Transition Program

All nursing courses have a clinical component that will be graded as follows:

  1. The clinical component is an independent co-requisite with the lecture component and will be graded with an “P” for pass, showing that the student provided the skill or “F” for failing to provide the skill.
  2. The student must receive a “P” on all required lab or clinical skills.
  3. The student is responsible for keeping the instructor abreast of which skills still needed to be evaluated by the instructor in the lab or clinical area.
  4. If a student fails in the clinical component, the grade will be recorded as a “F” and the student will be required to repeat the clinical course.
  5. Student will be given their final grade at the end of each course
  6. Students incurring more than 10% absence in a clinical course will receive an “F” unsatisfactory for that course.
  7. A student incurring less than 10% absence in clinical course may not lead to a failure in a clinical course, however, the hours missed must be made up before the end of the course. There will be a charge for clinical make up.