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It is the student’s responsibility to provide evidence of a physical examination completed by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner including but not limited to:

  • A negative TB skin test or chest x-ray (Skin test yearly).
  • A current immunization schedule [MMR, DPT, and Tetanus] with completed Hepatitis B vaccine series or signed refusal form.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine
  • A statement by the healthcare provider that the applicant has the physical and emotional health to complete the requirements of this program.

Demonstrate a satisfactory State and/or National Criminal Background Check through school’s approved vendor. Documentation of current American Heart Association (AHA) BLS CPR certification that will be good for the duration of the program.



 It is the intent of Standard College to provide a safe learning experience for all students and provide guidelines for the development, implementation, and maintenance of a comprehensive school safety program. The following guidelines are established to provide instructions in maintaining safety for students, staff, and instructors while using the Skills Learning laboratory (SLL) at Standard College and clinical agencies. These guidelines shall be adhered to by all concerned.

In addition to the safety guidelines, an Exposure Control Plan has been developed in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Blood borne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910. 1030. Students and instructors must follow the Exposure Control Plan of each clinical site. The purposes of the exposure control portion of this handbook is to assist in eliminating or minimizing occupational exposure of instructors, staff, and students to blood and/or certain other body fluids and to discuss protocols for reporting, treating, and following-up of an exposure.

 General Guidelines 

  1. All instructors, staff, and students must know and practice the safety guidelines at all times while using the skills labs and while in the clinical setting. Failure to adhere to general guidelines can result in disciplinary action. This manual will be available in the labs and students will be instructed to review the contents upon admission to the clinical component of the curriculum.
  1. Students are expected to come to lab prepared by having read the scheduled lab objectives and assignments prior to the start of the lab period. Students should be knowledgeable of the care, handling, and proper use of equipment prior to using it in the laboratory.
  1. Students may report pregnancies, physical handicaps, recent injuries, illnesses, surgeries, to their instructors if they need an accommodation. A medical clearance from a physician may be required before a student with physical injuries, illness, surgery, pregnancy, be allowed to practice or return to skills lab or clinical.
  1. It is the right of the instructor and/or clinical agency to determine whether a student in any of the situations above is capable of safely performing the necessary skills and providing care for patients.

Skills Learning Lab Guidelines (SLL) 

  1. There shall be no eating or smoking in the labs during student use, demonstration or return demonstration.
  2. Access to the doorway in the labs will be evident at all times. Furniture will not be placed to obstruct the exits.
  3. All doors and cabinets shall remain closed when not in actual use.
  4. The skills lab will not be used as a health center for ill students, staff, or instructors.
  5. Children or unauthorized personnel are not allowed in the labs at any time. Injury to unauthorized personnel in the lab will not be considered the responsibility of Standard College.
  6. All students shall practice proper hand washing technique while utilizing skills lab.
  7. Gloves are worn by students and faculty during any contact with body fluids. Gloves are utilized for practice and demonstration of skills. Gloves are utilized for personnel using harsh disinfectants to clean the lab. Standard College will provide sterile and non-sterile gloves. Avoid using petroleum-based hand creams. These can interfere with glove integrity.
  8. The SLL is not to be used as a social area.
  9. Students should report any misconduct occurring in the SLL. Students may be held responsible if misconduct is discovered and was not reported. 

Skills Learning Lab Safety

Medication/Fluid Administration 

  1. Students will be instructed to practice, and return demonstrate only those skills for which they have had prior instruction and gained familiarity with content and proper procedure. Students are expected to come to the SLL prepared according to the prior instruction on the procedure.
  2. Students should at all times practice safe techniques while learning in the SLL. Standard precautions should be followed at all times.
  3. When breaking ampules for practice, students should protect their fingers by using a gauze covering or an alcohol wipe and should break the ampule in the opposite direction of their face.
  4. Needles provided for practice of injections are used in the skills laboratories ONLY when instructors are present for assistance.
  5. Students must demonstrate safety precautions while utilizing needles during practice as instructed in class. Any irresponsible use of needles will result in disciplinary action and possible failure to pass that skills lab.
  6. Students are to practice injections ONLY on the manikins/models provided in the SLL.
  7. Students are never to recap needles and must discard used needles in the sharp’s disposal container provided in the SLL.
  8. Needles and other sharp objects must not be discarded in the trash or left out openly in the SLL at any time.
  9. Placebos (candy pieces, commercially prepared practice-med, and water) will be used for simulation of oral/topical medications. Old medicine bottles are labeled to be used when simulating preparation of an actual medication order.
  10. I.V. fluids with expired dates may be used for practice and demonstration unless obviously contaminated. These fluids are NOT for internal use, but for practice with manikins only. Any IV fluids and tubing which have been used will be discarded at the end of each course.

Electrical Safety 

  1. Wet materials may not be used around electrical outlets or equipment.
  2. Instructors and students are responsible for reporting to the appropriate instructor/staff any frayed electrical cords, cracked plugs, missing outlet covers, etc., as well as any problems encountered while using electrical equipment.
  3. No electrical cords will be left in the pathway of walking traffic. Extension cords will be properly taped to the floor if used over a walkway.
  4. Electric hospital beds in the SLL will be inspected as needed for repairs.
  5. Electric beds shall be maintained in the lowest position.
  6. Only three-prong plugs that contain a ground wire should be used to power equipment in the skills labs. 

Physical Safety 

  1. Students will be instructed in principles of body mechanics prior to practice and return demonstration of moving, lifting, and transferring skills.
  2. Student should use caution when practicing lifting skills and should not lift another student without assistance.
  3. Students practicing lifting techniques will not perform these procedures in unsafe manner. Irresponsible behavior will result in the student’s failure to pass that skills lab.
  4. Equipment used for body mechanics practice (bed, wheelchairs, stretcher, etc.) will be maintained in good working condition. Any broken part will be reported to the instructor.
  5. The wheels of all equipment (wheelchairs, stretchers, and beds) are to be locked during practice and return demonstration.

Clinical Site Safety

  1. The policies and procedures of the specific clinical agency/site will be adhered to as well as those policies and procedures of Standard College Nursing Program by both instructors and students during the clinical experience.
  2. Each student will submit evidence of a health examination, required laboratory studies and vaccinations as required by the Nursing Program at the time of admission.
  3. Each student must submit a completed “Change in Health Status” form specifying any changes in the student’s health. Evidence of current CPR certifications and PPD, as well as any other requirements indicated by affiliating clinical agencies must be submitted annually.
  4. Additional clinical safety guidelines will be provided to students before clinical, as appropriate.