As a faculty member or Student at Standard Healthcare Services Inc., College of Nursing, what software do I need for my home computer?
There are several pieces of software that you should have for your home computers. Listed below are the bare minimums.
- Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 for the Operating System. We do not support mac computers at the College of Nursing because a number of teaching programs and videos only run on PC computers.
- Office 2003 or newer for the suite of office applications.
- A good Anti-Virus program (kept up to date)
- Adobe Reader (free download)
- Flash Player (free download)
- Java (free download)
- Silverlight (free download)
It would also be a good idea to use anti-spyware programs, such as Ad-Aware and or Spybot Search and Destroy (both are free downloads), to keep your computer free of spyware.