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In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., a Federal civil rights law, Standard College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, abortion, or related conditions, including recovery, in its educational programs and activities.

Standard College ensures the right to take medically necessary leave and to be free of harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination because of pregnancy‐related conditions.

Students will be allowed to take time off of school for pregnancy, childbirth, abortion and/or recovery for as long as their doctor says is medically necessary, within the parameters of the federal regulations leave of absence policy. That could mean a few absences for necessary medical appointments, or a longer leave of absence for a high‐risk pregnancy or childbirth. Students will not be penalized for taking leave, and will be able to return to school in the same status they held before taking leave, as well as make up any missed work due to doctor’s appointments, medical conditions, and childbirth, in compliance with the federal regulations and leave of absence policy.

Standard College will provide the pregnant student with the same services it provides to students with temporary medical conditions. Standard College will not treat a pregnant student differently from other students being cared for by a doctor, even when a student is in the later stages of pregnancy. Standard College will not presume that a pregnant student is unable to attend school or participate in clinical. Standard College will make adjustments to the regular program that are reasonable and responsive to the student’s temporary pregnancy status by providing, for example a larger desk or allow frequent trips to the bathroom.


This policy applies to students enrolled in clinical programs at Standard College. The purpose of the policy is to provide guidelines and support for students who are pregnant and participating in clinical rotations, ensuring their safety, well-being, and academic progress.

Procedure for Requesting an Accommodation:

  1. Students requesting pregnancy accommodations must notify the Clinical Instructor and Clinical Director as soon as possible.
  2. A formal request for accommodations must be submitted in writing, along with documentation from a healthcare provider, outlining the specific accommodations needed.
  3. The administration will review the request and determine the appropriate accommodations in compliance with the school’s Disability Policy.
  4. The school will communicate the plan to the student in writing.
  5. Standard College does not retroactively provide accommodations.

Types of Accommodations:

Efforts will be made to provide accommodations tailored to the individual needs of the student in accordance with the clinical facility’s policies.


All information related to the student’s pregnancy and accommodation request will be kept confidential and shared only with those directly involved in implementing the accommodations.


The college is committed to ensuring that no student is discriminated against based on pregnancy. Students will not be penalized for requesting or utilizing pregnancy accommodations.


If a student believes that their accommodation request has not been adequately addressed, they may appeal the decision to the Deputy Executive Director (DED). The DED can be reached by email at

Questions or concerns about clinical accommodations should be directed to the Clinical Director.