Dear Standard HealthCare Services College of Nursing Community:
Standard HealthCare Services College of Nursing (SHC) is committed to providing an excellent learning and working environment free from acts of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment and violence, for all students, faculty, and staff.
On a yearly basis, the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education sends colleges and schools a “Dear Colleague Letter” to give guidance on Title IX requirements for addressing sexual harassment and violence on college campuses, including the designation of a Title IX coordinator.
I currently serve as the Title IX coordinator for Standard HealthCare Services College of Nursing. The coordinator is responsible for overseeing the Title IX process, implementation, and education and training for the campus community.
Title IX requires schools to take immediate and effective steps to respond to sexual harassment. According to Title IX law, it is illegal to discriminate against students on the basis of sex- regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, part- or full-time status, disability, race, or national origin—in all aspects of the school’s educational programs and activities. SHC has developed policies and procedures to timely and equitably respond to a claim of sexual harassment, which include incidents occurring off-campus.
All members of the community have an obligation to inform themselves about Title IX in order to take steps to prevent discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. As part of the school’s commitment to Title IX, and to respond effectively if such behavior does occur, SHC will be launching new training and information sessions to address recognizing and preventing acts of sexual harassment.
Thank you in advance for participating in the trainings. We look forward to working with the entire campus in our ongoing Title IX education and compliance process. Questions concerning Title IX may be referred to me anytime.
Heather Ettus, Title IX Coordinator
Standard HealthCare Services College of Nursing
Phone: (703) 891-1787